Personalize CPG Marketing. Decode Shopper Behavior. Maximize Consumer Relationships.

What We Do

Using real-time intelligence and rapid responsiveness, we deliver personalized CPG marketing to decode shopper behavior and maximize consumer relationships. All at unparalleled scale.


Identify your audience and where to best reach them with your message.


Analyze your consumer data and insights to understand audience behavior.


Deliver messaging that turns shoppers into buyers and buyers into fans.


Measure your media performance to optimize your content.

Identify your audience and where best to reach them with your message.

It's important to know who you're talking to before you decide what to say to them. Use our custom or syndicated segments to align better with your shoppers.

Generate insights by analyzing shopper data to better understand audiences.

This is where our data nerds get to flex their muscles. Our analytics provide incredibly precise insights based on years of consumer data to ensure highly individualized messages.

Deliver personalized messages that turn shoppers into buyers and buyers into fans.

Whether you are trying to penetrate a new market segment or build more loyalty among your current shoppers, we'll help you serve up relevant and motivating messages.

Measure your media performance to optimize your content.

Rinse and repeat. Measure how well your media and messaging is performing to inform in-flight adjustments that make the most of your media.

An Ecosystem of Solutions

Maximize customer relationships to either solve a business problem or capitalize on an opportunity.


Insights that allow you to personalize messages in a meaningful and motivating way, with fully customizable segments.

Media & Activation

Ensure optimized offerings for individual shoppers with an array of channel-agnostic activation options.

Measurement & Optimization

Make in-flight adjustments and optimize with syndicated or custom segments combined with real-time analysis.

Sales Drivers

A full lineup of proprietary solutions for Retail and Brand, proven to drive penetration, frequency, volume and loyalty.

The Latest
Inflation-Driven Price Hikes Vary Significantly Across 10 Popular U.S. Grocery Categories in Q1

Catalina’s Q1 2024 Shopping Basket Index shows inflation-driven price hikes vary significantly across 10 popular grocery categories, with families, on-the-go, and value conscious shoppers hit hardest.

Taking a Bite Out of the Competition.

See how Catalina used a Unified Marketing Strategy to help Applegate Farms drive brand awareness and acquisition during this traditionally busy season.

Beyond Clicks & Impressions: Mastering Personalization in the Attention Economy

Marketers must radically rethink their approach to consumer engagement because Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are revolutionizing how to connect with consumers, drive sales, and foster lasting loyalty, according to Adam Van Beck, Catalina’s SVP, CPG Omnichannel Solutions. He explains how brands can thrive in the Attention Economy by leaning into a number of hyper-personalized targeting solutions.

Who We Work With

No matter what your goals are, we'll help deliver relevant and specific value to each one of your shoppers.


Uncover insights to inform activations that increase shopper engagement and sales across all channels.


Pinpoint your shoppers to deliver relevant and persuasive content to build loyalty and share.


Reach shoppers across a full spectrum of media to build brand equity.

See More
Brands And Agencies That Trust Us

Don’t just take our word for it. We’ve been a trusted partner of world-class CPG Brands, Retailers and Agencies for years.

DR Pepper Snapple Group
Beyond Better Foods
Groupe Lactalis
Halo Top
Johnson & Johnson
Reckitt Beckiser