Whether by clients or prospective clients, Agencies are consistently asked the same question. How can we get the biggest bang for our buck? One of our agency clients learned how to use Catalina’s targeted audiences and in-flight sales lift measurement to reinvigorate sales and improve its return on ad spend for its food brand client.
25%+ | $10+ |
Incremental HH Sales Lift | Return for Every Ad Dollar Spend |

For a healthy food brand in 2020, the warmer weather and lifted quarantine restrictions meant a returned focus to outdoor activities and healthy eating. Our digital agency client needed a summer digital campaign that would help this brand reinvigorate sales and focus on bringing New Buyers to the franchise.

Using real-time, 1:1 deterministic shopper data, Catalina helped this digital agency verify its client’s most valuable audiences, including lapsed buyers, competitive buyers, and most likely New Triers.

Catalina’s Multi-Touch Attribution Report tracked campaign performance weekly and powered results by identifying the combination of audiences, channels and creative executions that were most efficient at driving buyers.
With help from Catalina, this digital agency delivered an 8-week digital campaign that brought in New Buyers, while generating a significantly higher ROAS and incremental sales lift thanks to the in-flight optimization capability from our weekly Multi-Touch Attribution Reports.
on every ad dollar spent
Incremental HH sales lift
over 8-week campaign